Website PlanningWhat’s the best way to plan a website?
Start with a goal. What is your goal for the website? Are you planning to sell merchandise online? Will your website be used to provide user guides and general information to users of your products? Do you plan to use your website to generate business leads?

  • MNI creates plans that start you in the right direction.
  • Our website plans position your site in places that your customers will look. Start off right by creating a website designed to make it easy for customer to find you.
  • Our plans encourage sales leads and conversions by removing blockages that stop potential customers from buying from you.
  • We help you craft a website that avoidstime-wasters.” Time wasters include ads that attract “just-lookers” and pages that create customer service calls instead of sales department calls. The right website planning tool will reduce or even eliminate unnecessary work for your company.

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Website Planning: The MNI Method

Each has website different needs and will have a different measurement for success. After you have determined the purpose of your website, set a measurable goal that will help you test how successful your website is. A new ecommerce site could have a goal of fifty orders per day. A service-oriented business might want to see new requests for quotes each day. No matter what your goal is, be sure that the planning of your website will help you meet that goal. MNI can help you identify realistic goals based on our wealth of experience with web projects of all sizes.

Traditional methods of website planning are often slow and ineffective. Traditional planning is based on the old days of press publication. First write the content, then hope someone finds it and likes it. That method works fine for traditional writers of blogs and informative articles. If your website is intended to promote a product or business, you need a new approach that is designed specifically to drive leads and sales.

We start out with extensive keyword research. Our goal is to find out what your customers want and use that information to position your website in places they are likely to find it. By comparison, traditional methods begin by requiring you to spend lots of time preparing content regardless of whether your potential customers are likely to find it or read it if they do find it. Starting out by conducting market research just makes good sense.

Most of your traffic is likely to come from Google and other search engines. After we know where your customers are, we create a site map that will help your customers find your website using their favorite search engine. The site map is used to help you prepare content that you can post to your website.

Most companies build a website and then hire an SEO expert to help them drive traffic to the site. Why not start out with the help of an SEO expert to make sure that your website gets the attention it deserves from the very start?