Website Traffic Analysis

It’s easy to collect website traffic data. Your web server will do most of the heavy lifting, and there are numerous bits of tracking code that will help you collect the rest of the information. The hard part is in knowing how to analyze the data and how to identify the metrics that will lead to success. Conducting website traffic analysis and measurement is where MNI’s expertise lies.

  • Direct more customers to your website with MNI’s keyword research methods.
  • Find out what your competitors are up to by looking at the overall market.
  • Make search engines love your site by focusing on keyword richness.
  • Make customers love your site by improving your navigation and simplifying the purchase process.

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Website Traffic Analysis

We start with off page analysis that bring you an understand of which keywords will help your website become more popular an increase your share of the marketplace. Next, we examine the number of keywords on your current webpages and develop a plan to optimize your content for search engines. While search engine optimization is useful in helping customers find your website, it won’t necessary help you promote your product or service. We also conduct “customer optimization,” which is designed to make your website more appealing to potential buyers.

We conduct both logfile analysis and page tagging to ensure that you have the most accurate view of your website’s performance. We take sample data from your website’s current state so that we can quickly identify a strategy that will help you achieve your goals. We will create an action plan with measurable goals so that you can be assured of a good return on your investment. We measure the success of our action plan both during and after our interaction with your website. Our goal is to ensure that money spent with MNI is money well spent.

To get a better understanding of what website traffic analysis is, you will want to understand a few basic terms.

  • What is a hit? A hit is the result of a file request to your web server from a visitor’s browser. A page consisting of some text and four images would result in five hits to the web server.
  • What is a page view? A page view is the result of the server having the delivered all of the individual files needed to make up the complete webpage.
  • What is a session? The collection of all the pages requested comprises the visitor’s session.
  • What is a bounce? When a visitor views only one page on your site and then leaves never to return again, that “visit” is considered a “bounce.” Our goal is to keep your view rate high, and your bounce rate low. A high number of bounces could be a sign that your page content needs to be made more useful to potential visitors.

We are particularly sensitive to the needs of local businesses whose results must be targeted at a specific area. If your goal is to become more competitive with other organizations in your industry, we can help. Our powerful web analytics strategy can give you the tools you need to increase the amount of new visitors coming to your site.