
It has long been known that the more often you can get your message in front of potential customers the more likely they are to do business with you. To put it simply retargeting means getting your brand and message back in front of prospects that have already been to your site. The goal is to recapture previous visitors to your site and to have a second chance at closing that sale or capturing that lead.

  • TV ads capture customers by showing the same advertisement over and over again. Retargeting does the same thing on the World Wide Web.
  • Retargeted ads promote a specific product on your website.
  • Retargeting brings customers back to your site by showing them a product they’ve seen before.
  • Retargeted ad campaigns are guarantees to show will see products that are familiar to your customers.

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Getting qualified traffic to a website is neither easy or cheap. Converting that traffic into a lead or a sale, even on the best preforming websites happens 1-5% of the time. That means that 95-99% are leaving without taking any action. They have however seen your site and become aware of your organization and to a greater or lesser extent what you offer.

Retargeting gets your brand and your offering back in front of those ‘lost’ visitors. It reminds them why they came to your site in the first place and it gives them incentive to return. Done right it also gives them the impression that your company is “everywhere” on the web.

We can help you build a retargeting campaign that the prospects that have already taken the biggest step of coming to your site for the first time will return and convert.

  • How does retargeting work? If a potential customer leaves your sits and browses the internet your ads will display on some of the other websites they visit, keeping your message in their peripheral attention and increasing your mindshare with them. These ads can even display the specific product that they were viewing on your site, multiple products or anything else you choose. With these repeated reminders a surprisingly large number of these lost visitors return to your website and convert
  •  How do we do it? When prospects leave your site and browse the Internet, your ads will display on other sites they visit, keeping your website in their peripheral vision and top of mind.
  • What do the ads show? Those ads can display the exact product they were viewing while on your site, or multiple products, or anything else you choose. It’s up to you. With these gentle ad reminders, the lost prospect will return to your site and convert – often at a higher rate, and many times with an increased average order value.