Minnesota Interactive LLC is an innovate interactive agency. We pick our clients and our projects carefully so that we can always deliver results. For many agencies, results are elusive and measuring those results is often a task. We don’t work that way. We measure success the same way you do, with bottom line results. We are focused on delivering innovative solutions to get you where you need to be online. Whether you need a boost in your social media exposure, an innovative eMarketing effort, or being on the first page for Google search results, we can build a plan to get you there. We bring the decades of online experience working on efforts from very small to very large in a wide range of eCommerce initiatives.

At MNI, we also believe in partnering with other agencies and contractors so that we can always have the right resources.

At the end of the day, there are a lot of agencies out there. What makes us different is we break the mold. We improve on proven successful methods and deliver them to our clients.