generating website trafficGenerating Traffic To Your Website

The best website in the world is no good if no one visits it. If you can’t generate traffic to your website it doesn’t matter how good it is.

Generating and increasing website traffic is what internet marketing is all about. Every minute of the day 430,000 people are searching the web. Some of them are looking for what you offer. We use these methods to make sure you get your share (and hopefully some of your competitors’ share too):

– Search Engine Optimization
– Search Engine Marketing / Paid Search
– Email Marketing
– Social Media Marketing
– Link Building
– Retargeting

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Generating Traffic

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Search result pages are made up of two kinds of results: Paid links (the sponsor of the link pays each time someone clicks on it); and Organic links (the “free” links that are usually right below the first three paid links. SEO is all about getting to the top of the organic links. Read More >

Pay-Per-Click / Search Engine Marketing (PPC / SEM)
No one will argue that “Free” traffic isn’t better than paid. But rising in the organic links can take weeks, months and in the case of very competitive search terms years or never. With SEM / PPC you can pay to jump to the head of the line. Learn More >

Email Marketing
Sending targeted, well crafted and non-spammy emails to a list of customers and prospects who have signed up to receive them is a great way to stay in touch, increase customer loyalty and repeat business.

Social Media Marketing
Social Media marketing takes many forms. Getting the most out of it depends on how much you are willing and able to put into it. We help our clients decide how much of their resources to dedicate to it and how to get the most out of that investment.

Link Building
Building links from outside site to yours. Traditionally part of SEO we do it so well we like to treat it as a separate area. Learn More >

We guarantee that if you’ve spent any time on the web you have seen retargeting. Retargeting brings previous visitors to your site back to the site by getting targeted ads in front of them while they are browsing the web. Learn More >