email marketingEmail marketing seems easy enough. All the email marketing software companies tell you how simple it is to do. What they don’t tell you about are the pitfalls.

We help you:

  • Create a targeted email strategy that supports your business goals.
  • Develop winning email campaigns so you get better results.
  • Write strong copy so your emails get read.
  • Do quality assurance testing on every email so your emails go out accurately.
  • Measure and track results so your campaigns continue to improve.

Contact an expert today

Email Marketing

It is estimated less than 10% of businesses are using email marketing and judging from the emails we get many of those are not using it to its full potential.

With the right plan and proper execution there are few marketing tactics as powerful as emailing targeted customers and potential customers with information they have asked to receive.

We offer more than just setting up and sending emails. The first step in a successful email marketing campaign is building your list of subscribers. Subscribers can and should include previous customers and visitors to your site who have been given the opportunity to sign up to learn more and opt in to your mailing list.

When you engage us, we bring all our marketing experience to the table. That means a combined 30 years of email and e-marketing experience serving hundreds of clients in dozens of different industries.

Every client has different requirements so our recommendations are tailored to your email marketing needs.