internet strategy

Developing an effective Internet Strategy requires expert techniques. MNI’s rapid link building strategy and rapid indexing programs can dramatically reduce the time it takes to build your web presence. Our internet marketing experts can manage your social media accounts so you won’t have to. We can help you identify areas of opportunity and incorporate these areas into your current website development strategy.

  • Some of our customers see a strong boost in search engine rankings in as little as one week.
  • We combine short-term and long-term results so that you get to the top and stay there.
  • We develop an integrated plan approach that grabs customers through website design, online advertising, natural search, email, and social media.

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Internet Strategy

The right Internet marketing strategy has a huge impact on the overall success of your business. Your goal is to bring visitors to your site, introduce your products to them, and get them to commit to a purchase.

Here are some of our frequently asked questions about Internet strategy

How do you get people to come to your site? We recommend that customers start with optimizing your site for search engine results and advertising their business online. Search engines use keywords to determine which websites show up at the top of their search results. We magnify this effect by creating a personalized link building plan.

How do you increase your conversion rate? Your conversion rate is the ratio of sales or leads that you get compared to your overall sales. Your website’s strategy depends in part on whether you are doing business to business marketing or business to customer marketing. Our retargeting campaigns are targeted at customers who visited your site, but didn’t make a purchase. Our goal is to get them back to your site. Consider the difference in strategy needed to acquire new customers versus keep a current customer. New customers are expensive to attain and much more cost effective to retain over the long term. Relationship building is the key to keeping your customers coming back for more.

How do you know if your Internet strategy works? It’s simple. First, track your current daily visitors and conversion rate. Devise a plan to improve your sales and traffic volume. Finally, measure your daily visits and conversions again. If you see an increase in volume, you can assume that you have an effective internet marketing service. This process might be simple, but it’s not easy. Our professional-grade tracking and reporting tools with give you the deep insight you need to ensure that your current marketing plan is working.

If you aren’t sure about your Internet Strategy, contact us for a free consultation.