Moving Real World Processes OnlineAre you ready to “webify” your business? Go from the paper age to the technology age.

If you are thinking about changing the way you do run your business, consider streamlining your business to a more cost-effective solution. Existing processes may waste time and money, so using web applications to run the day-to-day aspects of your office will be mostly cost-effective. Although converting from a traditional business model to web-based processes can be overwhelming and intimidating, our business services will show you how you can move your everyday, real world business processes to an online model.

Any process that is done in a traditional paper environment can be replicated to achieve the same outcomes in your organization. Office documents such as invoices, reports, customer satisfaction, time sheets and marketing newsletters can all be created online. Our company can show you how basic web applications can be created to allow staff to fill out their time sheets online. Track hours, sick time and vacation to generate quick reports you may need for accounting purposes and forecasting.

Manually entering financial statements into accounting software can be a thing of the past when you sync all your processes directly to QuickBooks. Let us show you how most of your book keeping can be automated, and that all of your customer’s receipts, products and journal entries can be stored all online.

Having your customers and potential staff fill out paper based applications can be a slow and cumbersome process for both parties. Straightforward and easy online forms can be created to collect vital information that can be stored in an easily accessible format online.

Even emailing a spreadsheet back and forth between staff or clients can slow the pace of important information. Our company will convert your organization’s spreadsheets to a web application, allowing for multi -party access, remote access, and automated backups.

Using archaic processes in a technologically-savvy world can hinder your business growth. Let our business take you from the old model of traditional business to a new one that is both efficient and time-saving. With these simple techniques and many others, your business will stay competitive in the Information Age.